Decentralized Governance

Voting Rights for veX Holders: X is governed by its community of veX token holders, who have voting rights on key decisions and protocol changes.

  • Democratic Governance: Every X token holder can lock their tokens for a specified period to get veX (voting escrowed X tokens), then participate in the governance process, with voting power proportional to their token amount. This democratic approach ensures that the ecosystem reflects the collective will of its users.

  • Inclusive Participation: By enabling all token holders to vote on proposals, veX Finance fosters a sense of ownership and involvement, encouraging active participation in the ecosystem’s development.

Governance Proposals and Protocol Changes: The governance framework of X is designed to be flexible and responsive, allowing the community to propose and implement changes to the protocol.

  • Proposal Submission: Any veX token holder whose token amount exceeds a certain threshold can submit governance proposals for community consideration. These proposals can range from technical upgrades to policy changes and new feature implementations.

  • Voting Process: Once a proposal is submitted, it undergoes a voting process where veX holders cast their votes. Proposals that receive the required level of support are approved and implemented.

  • Transparency and Accountability: The entire governance process is transparent, with proposal discussions and voting outcomes publicly accessible. This openness ensures that decisions are made in the best interest of the community and are subject to public scrutiny.

Continuous Improvement: The decentralized governance model enables continuous improvement of the X ecosystem. By empowering the community to drive changes and innovations, X remains adaptive and resilient in a rapidly evolving financial landscape.

Last updated